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COVID Fatigue Positive- Are you a victim of the Hidden Pandemic?- Part 1

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Dr. Porrselvi A.P., Cognitive Neuropsychologist, Unified Brain Health Care

Since March 2020, the world as we know it has changed. We cannot deny that these past few months have changed us, our schedules and routines, our living situations etc. There are some of us who have gained and some of us who have lost. As the pandemic stretches on, our Cognitive Neuropsychologist, Dr. Porrselvi A.P., tries to understand how each of us have changed, how we have suffered, how we have managed and how we need to cope to move forward. We will be publishing these articles as a series through out the month of October 2020.

Part 1: COVID-19 survivors:

Even though often COVID-19 is being described as similar to influenza, we need to take into account the scale of the disease spread around the world, the news coverage, the hype around it, the stigma associated and the fact that scientists and doctors are only now trying to understand the disease and its consequences on the human body. Looking at it from this perspective, getting the symptoms, testing positive for the virus, someone we know or have interacted with recently testing positive and the quarantine period- is nothing short of a harrowing traumatic experience.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is typically seen as something that may be experienced following an accident, sexual abuse, war, major illness, or an assault. You do not have to experience violence to experience trauma. The current pandemic has all the qualities of an event/situation that can cause PTSD. Someone with PTSD sees the world as a dangerous place and is wary of it. That is the fear that has gripped people during this pandemic. We have our guards up and we feel unsafe here, even within our own homes.

So, we should not ignore our mental health through the episode and after it. Symptoms of mental discomfort you might notice:

  • Brain Fog- Lacking clarity of thought

  • Shortness of Breath even after you have recovered

  • Chest tightness

  • Going Blank in the head

  • Inability to concentrate on tasks at hand

  • Forgetfulness

  • Feeling irritable and restless more than normal

  • Difficulty getting settled back in work

  • Feeling short of words when someone asks you about the disease

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Nightmares and upsetting dreams

  • Feeling detached from your life and/or body

  • Decreased Appetite

  • Decreased interest in your close relationships and activities that you used to like

  • Feeling numb

  • Feeling very tired

  • Worrying constantly about the future for yourself and your close ones

  • New research or news about the disease worries you more than it should

These symptoms can vary in intensity over time.

You may experience any of these symptoms and you may find yourself preoccupied with these thoughts. These might be intrusive, had to shake off and might disturb your everyday life and work. They might be very emotionally and/or physically distressing.

If you experience such symptoms for more than a month or if they are severely distressing and if you feel you are having trouble getting your life back under control, get professional help. Getting treatment as soon as possible can help prevent these symptoms from getting worse.

Contact Us if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one. Book an Appointment today.

Read More about the Emotional consequences of COVID-19:

Part 1: COVID-19 survivors:

Part 2: The Everyday Lockdown Survivors- You and Me:

Part 3: Working Professionals, Businesses and Organisations:

Part 4: Children:

Part 5: Healthcare Workers:

Unified Brain Health Care is one of a kind Neuro Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai for adults and children offering in person and online therapy in Cognitive Rehabilitation, Clinical Psychology, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Career Counselling, Fitness Coaching and Educational Intervention. We also offer support for PCOS management, Pregnancy Care, Post-Pregnancy care for New Moms, Infant and Early Childhood Stimulation, Caregivers and promoting Holistic Brain Health.


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